Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Book of Air and Shadows

I always enjoy reading a good thriller, but as an English major I sometimes feel I should read something a little heavier. Well, I think I have found a book to keep me reading late into the night and also fill my literary requirements. The Book of Air and Shadows by Michael Gruber is a great book. I had never heard of this author before. This novel has many levels and stories. The main action takes place in New York, which is always an exciting setting for a story.

Part of the story deals with the possibility of an unknown Shakespearean play that was lost long ago. The story has scholars, professors, lawyers, gangsters, and librarians. People are killing people to get this information.

I will sign off now and get back to the story.

I haven't been this glued to a novel since the DaVinci Code.

That's a whole other post.


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