Friday, October 26, 2007

The Legends of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving

Reviewed by NAKAMURA Yuka

There are two famous stories in this book. These stories had mysterious mood because they appeared ghosts and spirits.

Rip Van Winkle similar to Japanese story “Urashimataro”. He drunk water, then he became old man.

Sleepy Hollow was made movie but, this book is different than the movie.

The scene of Sleepy Hollow is laid in early 19th century North America.
The Headless Horseman appeared in forest near Tarry Town at midnight. He had no head and rode a huge black horse.
The main character, Ichabod Crane was schoolmaster. He loved big farmer’s daughter Katrina but she didn’t like him. He is not handsome. She liked Brom Bones who was a leader in young people. They were amorous rival.
Ichabod heard Brom have won Horseman at race, and then he went to forest rode on his horse. The Horseman appeared and followed Ichabod. Finally, Ichabod fall off his horse back because Horseman has thrown his head. Ichabod frightened Horseman.
Next morning, Ichabod disappeared. People looked for him but, they found only broken pumpkin like people head. Brom said nothing and chuckled. He married Katrina.

This story fitting for Halloween. This movie is interesting, too. The leading actor is Johnny Depp. If you read this, you must enjoy seeing the movie more.

1 comment:

SUAC Reading Circle said...

Great job on this post. The picture you chose for the blog is very suitable for Halloween. Also, you have given a very clear description of both stories. I was glad to see you make reference to Urashimataro. I also enjoyed the movie. Keep up the good work.