Monday, October 29, 2007

My Fair Lady written by Alan Jay Lemer

Reviewed by FURUSAWA Ayumi

This book is a typical Cinderella story. Eliza who was a flower-seller and spoke in London accent go through special training by higgins, phonetics proffesor, then she can speak immpeccable English and become an upper class's lady.

However, I think that this story has another side beyond "Cinderella story" which is a social problem about rank among people.
In this story Eliza just canged her accent, apperance and gesture, also her surrounding absolutely changed. I think that it's a ridiculous thing, rank is nothing. So I like this story's ending which Eliza chose not becoming a "lady" but getting true love.


SUAC Reading Circle said...

Nice choice of book and good review. You make a good observation about social rank. I agree with you. I am glad that the book had a happy ending. Also, nice picture. It will be fun for people to know that Audrey Hepburn was in the movie. Keep up the good work and enjoy your next book.

SUAC Reading Circle said...

I knew this story and it is my favorite story. I like this story's endind too. I think that it has a dream. Have you ever watched movie of this story? If you
don't watch,I recommend watching.