Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Reviewed by TAKEHARA Ryo

This level 2 reader is a crime and mystery story.

There are three short stories in this book. These stories are very interesting and exiting. My favorite story is “THE FIVE ORANGE PIPS”.
One day, a young man comes to Holmes’s house in Baker Street. His name is John Openshaw. He looks tired and worried. Then, his uncle and father died. The police decided it was an accident, but he didn’t think so. Because he know his uncle and father received mysterious letter which five orange pips in it when before they died. Now, he received the letter and he is afraid of death. He wanted help of Holmes.Holmes explained these incidents are the work of KKK. KKK is a secret American political organization of protestant white men who oppose people of races or religions. Holmes advised how to run away from them. But John Openshaw was killed. Holmes feel regret and sad. After few days, Holmes finds Openshaw’s enemies. They are sailors. Holmes decided send five orange pips to criminal for frighten them.
The winter storms at sea that year were worse than ever, and their ship never arrived in next destination. The murders of John Openshaw did not get the pips, but, in the end, death came to them.

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