Monday, June 23, 2008


My name is Yuma Kato. I am a student in Mr. Anton's third class on Monday. The title of my chapter is fashion. When I am a High school student, I am not interested in fashion so much. Because I am interested in soccer. I belonged soccer club. We practiced soccer everyday.

When I entered in university, I have to go to the suac in plain clothes. And I am interested in fashion. I sometimes read fashion magazine, and I go to clothes shop. I hope people live all over the world respect everyone's fashion. So this world is more and more wonderful one.
I want to respect each other's tinking and fashion.

1 comment:

SUAC Reading Circle said...

I'm Koki Takezawa.
I am interested in fashion,too.I want to know more about fashion,so please tell me some good magazines.