Monday, November 19, 2007

BABE PIG IN THE CITY written by Dick King Smith

Reviewed by TOZUKA Maho In this level 2 reader, this story is the animal adventure.

Babe was farmer Hoggett‘s pig and also he was famous as a sheep pig. He and Mrs. Hoggett went to the city to get money. In the city, they were caught up in trouble and Babe strayed from Mrs. Hoggett.Babe tried to look for her and he saved a lot of animals from researchers.At last, they had a happy ending.

I red Babe the sheep pig before and I wanted to read sequel to it. Sad to say, babe did not lead sheep in this book but he helped many animals. I like babe and animals. I want to see movie of babe.


SUAC Reading Circle said...
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SUAC Reading Circle said...

I have watched this movie.Babe is very cute and brave. This movie is very funny and exciting and moving!When I watched this movie, I have cried. This story's ending is very happy, so I became happy feeling too.

Fusamura Yuzuko.

SUAC Reading Circle said...

I think Babe is very cute.I have not watch this movie, but I became want to watch this movie.

Takehara Ryo