Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Long Tunnel written by John Milne

Reviewed by SUZUKI Erika.

In this level 2 reader,this is a story of adventure.

One day on May, Paul, Sheila and Charles are students at universities in England plan a summer trip to Paul's uncle's cottage in Wales. Paul shows a picture of the cottage and gives them a map drawn by Paul. In addition, he'll take them from Llanvoy station at Wales to the cottage.
But at that day, he doesn't come and many soldiers who bring bank note at the station. Sheila and Charles find the cottage by using the map, but there are an other man they don't know. However they are certain that Paul is there because found a paper of his exam.
Sheila and Charles save Paul caught by robbers who steal bank note from train by using a shaft behind the cottage. They trap almost of robbers, but the principal Frank Steel is not arrested at that time. However he's arrested tomorrow.

Sadly, the hint Frank Steel isn't arrested makes the most of follow, so I think this book's end is not very good. But it's a trifling matter. I recommend this book, because this is substantial story and used moderate difficult word and has a lot of intelligible pictures to understand.

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