Friday, November 16, 2007

ARABIAN NIGHT written by Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter

Reviewed by FUSAMURA yuzuko. This revel 2 reader is fantasy.

Sultan Shahriar had a beautiful wife. He loved her more than anything in the world. But his wife cheated on her husband. From that time the sultan began to hate all women. One day, he decided to marry a new wife every day, so he stays with her for one night and the next morning he kills her. So no woman will hurt him again.
Many girls were killed by the sultan. No girl wanted to be the sultan’s wife. One day, the sultan’s vizir’s daughter, Sheherezade, became the sultan’s wife. However she had a good idea, so she was beautiful and clever. She knew many wonderful stories a thousand and one. Night after night, she told them to the sultan. She always stopped in an exciting place. She wasn’t killed by the sultan, because he wanted to hear the end of story.
In the end of story the sultan loved Sheherezade and she loved him too, and they were very happy.
I thought Sherezade’s stories are very interesting, for example, a clever servant girl, a boy judge, a stupid barber and Aladdin and the Lamp. We will be able to enjoy until sad story from funny story in this book.

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