Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Martin Luther King, Jr by Coleen Degnan-Veness

Reviewed by FURUSAWA Ayumi

Martin Luther King, Jr is famous for his speech, “I have a dream”, it was spoken when The March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom taken place. The campaign ended up bringing good wave for black people because many black and white people who lived in America acted their own initiative against problem of segregation.

I knew him when I was a junior high school student, but I was not interested in his achievement. However, recently I often think about his action because there was a lecture about him. “No violence” and “No submission” were theme of his campaign. I thought that it was a too high ideal but he had him way, not only himself but also many black people. So I have the utmost respect for King.


SUAC Reading Circle said...

I knew Martin Luther King in class.
He was great person.
African American's human rights are still big issues.
People must think about the issues.
I want to know him more.


SUAC Reading Circle said...

Martin Luther King is so cool!!!
I know Martin Luther King. I studied high school English class.
King was assassinated scene is very sad scene.
I want to read this book!

SUAC Reading Circle said...

I know Martin Luther King and I have read this book before. I think that his movement is great. I would like to know him movement more.


SUAC Reading Circle said...
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SUAC Reading Circle said...

I respect Martin Luther King,Jr too.
Recently I watched a TV program about Mathin Luther king,Jr's campaign.
His effort moved me to tears,and I am interested to him.
I want to read this book,sometime.