Wednesday, December 5, 2007


posted by FURUSAWA Ayumi
This is a level 4 reader.

”GLADIATOR” is a soldier who fought against other men or wild animals as an entertainment in ancient Rome. The main character of this book, Maximus, is made to become a slave and killed his family because he knew the truth of Marcus Aurelius’s, the great Emperor, death which his son ,Commodus, had killed him. Then Maximus was reduced to fighting as a gladiator and he became famous for his strength. When Maximus joins the new Emperor Commodus in the arena, they fight for their lives. And Maximus accomplishes his revenge against his life.

I have watched “GLADIATOR” by a movie. so I could imagine the world view of this story. But it enabled me to know Maximus’s feeling more to read text. When I watched the movie, just felt sadly about the climax. But now I think this story give us hope. It is interesting to have different feelings in image or text.

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