Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Room 13

My name is Rina Masuda; I am a student in Ms. Sheehan’s third period English Communication 2 class on Thursday.

The title of my book is Room 13, the author is M. R. James; it is a level 3 reader.

This is horror story.
This picture is good to my image of story's hotel, so I chose this.
Terrible thing happened at one hotel of an old city, Denmark.
There is no room 13, because many people won't sleep in a room 13.
But, one day, Mr. Anderson looked room 13. He looked a strange shadow, too. The person was wearing a tall, pointed hat. Also, the light of room 13 was red, like blood.
There is no room 13, but Mr. Anderson looked it. Was he crazy? No.
In the morning, workmen pulled up the floor between rooms 12 and 14.
Under the floor, they found a box. There were old papers, no one was able to read the writing on the paper. It was a strange writing, the writing was brown. But Mr. Anderson thought the papers belong to Nicolas Francken, the papers were written in blood!!

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