Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Stranger by Norman Whitney

My name is Takuya Miwa; I am a student in Mr. Sheehan's third period English Communication 2 class on Thursday.The title of my chapter is The Stranger; the author is Norman Whitney.

There are three main people in this book.One day,a stranger arrived the village.The man opened a shop.A girl who works at this shop engages a boy who works at this shop too.There was a special orders room.It was strange and mystery.Special customers gave the man a lot money.Actually,The man had a strange power. He helped the special customers by the strange power.Last scene was very strange.The man was killed in a fire with smiling face in the shop while the girl was dead by ill.The scene was a bad taste in the mouth.I think if I have a strange power like the man,I want to use it good way.


SUAC Reading Circle said...

I really get interested in this book. I like reading mystery story and this story seems bit scary too.
I'd like to read this.


SUAC Reading Circle said...
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SUAC Reading Circle said...
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SUAC Reading Circle said...

I am interested in this book. This story seems to be mystery and horror. I want to read this book.