Monday, June 23, 2008

Today's technology

My name is Keisuke Suzuki. I am a student in Mr. Anton’s third period English communication 2 class on Monday.
I choose the Unit 3, Today's technology. I think today's technology is wonderful and fantastic. We can listen to a lot of music by using such a small machine like MP3 player. However, I don't have MP3 player, so I use a cell phone to listen to my favorite music.
Cell phone has made exciting progress for recent years. Cell phone has various functions. For example, calling, sending email, taking a photograph, using the Internet, watching TV program, and listening to music. I think cell phone is one of the greatest tools of today.
In addition, exciting progress of cell phone won't stop. Five years later, cell phone will get more many functions than today's it. I'm looking forward in the future.

1 comment:

SUAC Reading Circle said...

Hello,I am kohei Suzuki.I am a student in Mr. Anton's third period class on Monday. I don't have MP3player too. The movie which you posted is very fun! Cell phone robot is very cute!!