Monday, July 7, 2008

Culture Learning from Pelican Brief

Hello! Minori who is a member of EDC grade3 is writting. I'm now reading The Pelican Brief in Mr.sheehan's class. In this story, two Supreme Court judges are murdered. No one could know why, but a beuatiful law student Darby Shaw solved the mysery. So, she has to escape from the killer.

From the book, we learned not only the story, but also about the Supreme Court as one of cultural differences between U.S. and Japan; the Supreme Court of the United States consists of 9 judges. They are nominated by president and once they are nominated, their term of work last parmanently unless they rretire by themselves.

However, the Supreme Court of Japan consists of 15 judges and they are nominated by our emperor. And they are forced retirement at the age of 70.
I think it is very interesting that two countries have same institution, but its system is different.
And I also think it is very important to know our country's culture correctly to understand other country's culture.
I hope I would know not only the mysterious story in this book, but also other culture differences.
source references;

1 comment:

SUAC Reading Circle said...

Hi, Minori. This is Kahori.
I also think that we can learn cultural differences between Japan and the U.S. from the book. It was interesting to know the system of Supreme Court in the U.S. Besides, I don't understand the system of the Supreme Court in Japan, so your information is really useful for me. Thank you.