Monday, July 14, 2008

Hi. My name is Ryosuke. I am one of the member of EDC3.
We read Evening Class,Teacher Man, in Mr. Sheehan’s class.
We're also about to finish reading The Pelican Brief. I enjoyed Evening Class the most. Although, the other two were so interesting.

Iin Italian class (evening class) . The had student had different purpose of taking Italian class. The story mainly focuses on two teachers who teach italian to the students. Every student, and also the teachers had a problem about their life, but they get over in the evening class.

From this book. It really taught me about the connection of human relation.
How every peoples action can effect other's life. It also made me think about what can change your life. I guess tihs book is giving an idea of people who wants to rethink your life.

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