Monday, July 14, 2008

Pelican Brief

Hi, this is Yuko. I'm a third year student of EDC3.

I really enjoyed reading this book! Some scene was complicated and difficult to understand. However, I was impressed by Darby 's strong mind. I agree with Yuri's opinion: Darby tried to live though some people were killed because her brief. It is unbelievable to have such a strong mind like Darby. She lost her lover, but she never lost hope. I admire Darby. If I was her, I coudn't think anything. I will cry everyday.

I really want to watch this movie!! I will do in summer vacation♪

1 comment:

SUAC Reading Circle said...

Hi, Yuko. This is Mai. I also think Darby is very brave. If I chased by someone, I would be paniced and could't do anything. She is not only brave but also clever. She thinks well before she acts.
I want to see this movie, too. I want to see who acts Mattiece.