Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Irish Culture

Hello everyone! I'm Miori RYU.

Our group decided our topic of presentation now. We picked up Irish culture as our main topic from 'Evening Class' and 'Teacher Man'. Do you remember both of these books include cultural things about Ireland?
In ‘Teacher Man’, the main character Mr. McCourt is Irish and he often compares American life or teenagers with Irish ones. However, we don’t know about Ireland so much and we don’t see Irish cultural things in Japan. Therefore, we want to know about Irish culture more.
For example, we researched about Irish pubs and Natsumi told us about them below my brog. Irish pubs are good traditional thing to know Ireland for us, but, unfortunately few Irish pubs in Japan and no Irish pubs in Hamamatsu. We don’t have enough chances to know Iris culture.
HOWEVER! It’s OK because we’ll teach you about Ireland on our presentation!
Now, I show you Irish traditional dance from You tube at first.

Please look forward to seeing our presentation about Ireland and of course I’m looking forward to seeing your presentations too. See you!

1 comment:

SUAC Reading Circle said...

Hi, Miori.
This is Kasumi from EDC3. Your group's presentation topic is very interesting. My group will inform about "Italian dessert" related to "Evening class." I think comparing these cultural information is good to know, and I feel so excited to know about the Irish culture now since I saw the Irish dance in video. I hope I can learn something from your presentation, and you can learn some Italian cultures from our group's presentation.
See you!