Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Irish pubs

Hello, every one. My name is Natsumi ITO at EDC3. I enjoyed reading all 3 books. Each book has much cultural information. Especially, I am interested in Irish Culture through "Evening Class" and”Teacher Man". There are Irish characters in these 2 books. So I researched about Irish culture and I had interests in Irish pubs. Irish pubs are one of the most Irish cultures. It is very different between British pubs. There is much wood furniture in the Irish pubs. Irish pubs are always full of Irish music and people in the pub are so friendly. Stout, dark beer, is popular beer in Irish pubs. Stout is bitter taste than the other beers. Some people say it feel similar to coffee and chocolate. Guiness is the most famous and popular Stout in the world. Of course you can enjoy Guiness in the Irish pubs. I will research more about Irish pubs and tell you in the presentation. Please look forward to group5 presentation. Thank you.

1 comment:

SUAC Reading Circle said...

Hi, Natsuki. I'm hiromi and thank you for your good information about irish beer. I'm not sure where can I drink Guiness in Japan. However if I have chance to go to irish pub, I will choice it. I'm so interested in irish foods!