Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Italian food

Hello everyone! this is Tomomi from EDC3!
I enjoy sharing ideas or chatting in the class every week. Now we almost finish reading 3 books in one term, that is amazing!!
I like the book "Evening class" the best because I am interested in other cultures.
This story contains many cultures of Italy. Especially I got interested in Italian food so I searched about it, and I want to share it with you guys!! Here is a video about Italian food. It shows you some Italian food: pizza,wine, dessert...etc. I bet there's something you have never seen before!!

ummm..looks so great wasn't it!?!?
If you want recipes of Italian food, there are bunch of them in YOUTUBE. Please take a look in there too. It must be interesting and makes you hungry!!
Kasumi, Hitomi and I will do a presentation about italian dessert so please be look forward to listen it. ;-)

Thank you!

1 comment:

SUAC Reading Circle said...

This is Takahiro from EDC3. My group will also talk about Italian food and Japanese food. As soon as I saw your choice video, I'm eager to eat Italian food, especially pizza and Tiramisu. I think Italian food make good use of various materials. In addition, the food looks like delicious; so many people all over the world want to eat that. I'm looking forward to your group's presentation.
Thank you for your blog!