Thursday, July 2, 2009

Kind of Pasta!

Hello everyone. This is Miharu Ichimura from EDC3.
In this discussion class, we talked about some books. I enjoy talking with group member about them, but we will finish the last book in this term. I like the book which is “Evening class”. Our presentation group chose this book and we will search about Italian pasta and Japanese pasta. Today I will tell you many kind of pasta. There are so many kinds. Thick and thin, and there are also color, green. Shape is variety. We can use many kinds of pasta by cooking.
In Italy, there are about 650 kinds of pasta and now, kind of pastas are still increasing. We can divide 2 groups of pasta, “long pasta” and “short pasta”. Long pastas are for example, spaghetti, capellini, and limguine. Short pastas are for example, maccherone, penne, and gasse. Of course there is other type of pasta. Gnocchi is one of the examples of them. It is interesting to use these pasta depends on cooking.

1 comment:

SUAC Reading Circle said...

Hi, I'm Yukino.
I didn't know there are 650 kinds of pasta!! I usually eat spagetti and maccaroni. I like pasta but I think I have never ate a few of 650 kinds of pasta. I want to eat many kinds of pasta!!