Thursday, July 2, 2009

The legislative

Hi everyone, this is Ryuji .

Our Group's topic is about Three Branches of US Government, and I am going to talk about the Legislative Branch. The legislative branch is a branch that makes a federal law. The US congress takes a bicameral system, the House of Represent and Senate. The members the House are 435 and it is divided among the 50 states by their population. Look at the picture and this is the example of the numbers of the member of each state. Big states have many seat and small states have fewer, but every state have at least 1 seat. The members are elected every 2 years. Senate has 100 seat and 2 for each state, and they have election in every 6 years. The congress has the power to impeach the president, and the congress has impeached 2 times to Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton.
I hope you will be interested in the US government system.

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