Thursday, June 19, 2008

Gum: something to chew on

My name is Nana Kawasumi. I am a student in Mr. Anton’s third period English communication 2 class on Monday. This title is chapter 2 of my text book. Chewing gum is very popular. This is an obvious fact. In the U.S., a factory of gum sallies over 2$ billion every year. So, people chew a lot of gum. Chewing gum has a helpful effect for our body. For example, it not only can help prevent tooth decay but also improve memory. Possibly chewing gum helps us to get good grade on the test. When I read the text, I couldn’t realize. And I was very surprised. This text is most interesting which I read text book. I often chew gum. Chewing gum is wonderful confectionery. How about chewing more gum?

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