Monday, June 16, 2008


My name is Kosuke Yamaguchi; I am a student in Mr. Sheehan’s third periodEnglish Communication 2 class on Thursday.The title of my book is Help!, the author is Philip Prowse; it is a level 1reader. The hero of this story is novelist , and his wife is a lawyer. He doesn't work somuch, so his wife is always angry. One-day morning, his wife did to him at lastwhether it was affability and went out of the house when he was reading thenewspaper on the table. His wife was gone, so he slept again on the table. Hehas had a telephone call somewhere after a while sleeping. The telephone wasfrom the person with a great famous movie company in Hollywood. The personinvited the hero to lunch. The person said that he wanted to read the sequel ofthe novel that the hero had written at lunch. The hero writes the novel withlonghand, so it is considerably slow to write the novel therefore. Therefore,the person of the movie company bought the hero the personal computer. The heroreturned to the house, turned on the power supply of the personal computer, andbegan to write a novel. Then, woman's face appeared on the screen of thepersonal computer. Her name is chip. She supported the hero. However, She triedto support when applying it to something. The hero began to feel her thingpersistent. Therefore, the hero has thrown away the personal computer to theriver. And, he has regained his presence of mind. His work made progress by thefavor. His work has advanced well. And, his wife came back one day. She wasvery pleased to see him changeable. He was very pleased with her coming back,too.

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