Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Urban life

My name is Yuta Shamoto; I am a student in Mr. Anton’s third period English Communication 2 class on Monday.
The title of my chapter is Urban life; the author is Jackie McAvoy.
There are two people. On one hand man like country life; on the other hand, woman like urban life. I think that urban life is not good. I like country life. Because there is a good job and earn a lot of money in the city, but there is no contact between children and parent. Actually, urban children are possible that they never see their parents all weekend while country children have contact time with their parent weekend. For example country children can pick fruit or vegetables with their parents. Regarding eating habit, urban people tend to eat unbalanced food while country people tend to a well balanced diet. That is why I like country life.


SUAC Reading Circle said...

My name is Tomomasa Yasui. I am a student in Mr.Sheehan's third period EC2 class on Thirsday.
I am interested in this book.
Because I want to live country in the future.

SUAC Reading Circle said...

My name is Takuya Miwa. I am a student in Mr.Sheehan's third period EC2 class on Thirsday.
I also think that country life make people comfortable.So I want to live surround by green.