Thursday, June 25, 2009

An Italian Dessert

Hello, everyone. I'm Kasumi from EDC3.
I had been having very valuable discussions in this class. Now, I would like to show you a video about "Tiramisu." Why I decided to choose this topic is that I've been interested in Italian culture through "Evening Class."
There are lots of Italian desserts, and I thought Tiramisu is good example to know what kind of dessert Italian people love to. As everyone knows the name "Tiramisu", "Tiramisu" is Italian language, and this means "makes me refresh!" The origin is not clearly defined, and some people say Tiramisu was from some states in Italy.
This cake is recently made, not so old from now. I found a video about "Tiramisu", and I hope this video helps you to learn how to make Tiramisu.

Did you enjoy watching this video? My group is going to tell you about Italian desserts including Tiramisu. I think the Italian desserts are one of the reasons to make Italy an attractive country. In the "Evening Class", Signora made a trip to Italy with the members, and had dinner at a restaurant where Alfredo worked at. I think Italian cake has important rule to make dinner gorgeous, and more, make people feel happy.
Thank you.

1 comment:

SUAC Reading Circle said...

Hi, This is Yumika from EDC3.
Yeah, Evening Class was interesting book. I can learn lots of Italian culture:) I want to go to Italy someday!
I enjoyed watching the video. I love tiramisu,so I want to make tiramisu following by this video. It must be delicious! I like Italian food and dessert, so I'm looking forward to listening your group's presentation.
Thank you!