Friday, July 3, 2009

The President of the United States

Hello, this is Hiromi. My group would like to show you a presentation about "Three Branches of US Government". If you want to check about three branches system in U.S. please see the Yumika's post.

I am going to introduce you about the executive branch, which has the president of the United States on the top of its organization. Now, I'd like to tell you about "Mr.President" in this post.

American President is elected by ballot that is held among each states.

Even though the President is leader of the executive branch, he/she has some important duties and powers for whole American Government. Command and control for the military is one of the most remarkable powers.

Then, he also can announce the Executive Order and submit some presidential messages to U.S. Congress.

For the administration, the President can appoint someone to the Secretary of each Departments of cabinet. He usually work in the official ofiice in the White House (the Oval Office). Surprisingly, the government has no provision for the President's office hours so he/she can arrenge his/her own working times.
I hope you are interested in the system of U.S government. Yumika, Ryuji and I now prepare our profitable presentation!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The legislative

Hi everyone, this is Ryuji .

Our Group's topic is about Three Branches of US Government, and I am going to talk about the Legislative Branch. The legislative branch is a branch that makes a federal law. The US congress takes a bicameral system, the House of Represent and Senate. The members the House are 435 and it is divided among the 50 states by their population. Look at the picture and this is the example of the numbers of the member of each state. Big states have many seat and small states have fewer, but every state have at least 1 seat. The members are elected every 2 years. Senate has 100 seat and 2 for each state, and they have election in every 6 years. The congress has the power to impeach the president, and the congress has impeached 2 times to Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton.
I hope you will be interested in the US government system.
Hello, everyone. this is Hitomi Ikenoya from EDC 3.

My group is going to talk about Italian dessert. I'm sure many people like Italian dessert. In Japan, they are really popular food. I found a video about how to make gelato. That video was taken in New York City. I went to NYC this spring vacation. i didn't try to eat gelat there. I wonder why I didn't take it.

I hope you have interests for Italian dessert more by watching this video and listening our presentation. We'll introduse you other Italian dessert.

Irish Emigrants

Hello. This is Soichi.
Our group’s topic is about Irish.
Many characters of “Evening Class” and “Teacher Man” are Irish. For example the teacher man, Mr. McCourt is Irish American. Irish emigrants live in everywhere. Do you know St. Patrick’s Day? St Patrick’s Day (March 17th) is the holiday for Irish. In Chigago, Irish American dye Chicago river green because green is Irish identity color.

My topic is about Irish emigrant. John F Kennedy, Lewis Carroll, Sean Connery, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Noel Gallagher, Wayne Rooney and Pete Doherty are Irish emigrants. Many famous actor, athletes and musician have Irish origin. I am going to tell you about its culture and history.

I love guiness!

how to make pizza

Hi, I'm Yukino.
Our group decided to talk about pizza in our presentation. We learn about Italian culture by reading "evening class". Pizza is very famous as Italian food and everybody who all over the world like it. And there are many kind of pizza in the world. There are each toppings on the pizza in every countories.

Almost Japanese do not make a pizza in their house. Many Japanese call pizza shop and ask to deliver pizza to their house. But we can make a homemade pizza.
This video show how to make a homemade pizza.

Pizza Vending Machine?

Hi, this is Rika!
My group will talk about pizza, so I introduce some interesting news about pizza.
Can you imagine? You can buy pizza not only pizzeria but also vending machine!
In Italy, there are pizza vending machine and you can choice 5 kinds of pizza!
It's called "Let's Pizza" and this is made by Bolognya university and Unilever (company).
If you pay 5 euro (6 dollers), you can get hot and fresh pizza in only 3 minutes!Italian People can buy pizza even if they want to eat pizza in midnight.
I thought it's amazing machine! I want to have not only in Italy, but also in Japan!
This vending machine's good point is that pizza is not freezing one.
This machine make pizza from dough!
However, pizza makers doesn't think pizza vending machine is good.
Maybe they think handmade pizza is the best and taste good than vending machine,but Claudio Torghele, who invited pizza vending machine, said that this vending machine's good point is that people can buy fresh, hot pizza anytime.
So it doesn't matter how tasty is.
I thoght Claudio Torghele has very good idea and point!

Various types of pasta

Hello everyone, this is Hasegawa Takahiro from EDC3.
Today, I'm going to show original pasta made in Japan. My group are interested in Italian culture from "Evening Class" and will talk about Japanese pasta and Italian pasta in final presentation.

Talking of "pasta", many people would imagine picture below.

Many of them would be eager to eat that. However, the pasta ,which is different from typical one is produced in Japan. The example is below.

This pasta is called "soup pasta" which you can use spoon, so it looks like ramen!!
When I saw this type of pasta, I remembered the word "hybrid".
"Hybrid" means that the thing is produced from two different types of plant and so on, so the pasta was influenced by Japanese eat culture. I think things like this pasta will be made in each countries , in other words, pasta which fits each country eat culture will be produced because of globalization.